The unit can finish granulating and drying simultaneousIy and can produce spherical granules with sizes that you need only by adjusting the pressure, the discharge rate and the jet orifice of liquid materialspump. The unit's working process: The feed liquid is pumped into the centrifugal spray atomizer on the top of the drier by diaphragm pump. ln the spray atomizer the feed liquid wilI be fully atomized and then will be dried by the heating air. Majority granules will discharge from the bottomof the drier, the residual granules and exhaust gas wiII be separated by whirlwind separator, and then the exhaust air wiIl be exhausted by blower fan and the residual granuIes will be collected by the dust catcher at the bottom of whirlwind separator. Furthermore, the blower fan is equipped with secondary dust collect unit. The recovery ratio of the unit is 96% to 98%. The unit uses SUS304 stainless plates to make tower body, pipeline and separator. Between the tower body and the shelI there is a thermalinsulation layer that employs extra fine glass wools as filling materials. The tower body is weIl equipped with observation door, sight glass, Iight source and control meters and its operation is controlled and dispIayed by the operating desk. The unituses steam heating modeor electric heating mode and is characterized by convenient operation, fast start-up, compact structureand clean hot air. Besides, the control adapter of electric heater in electric controI cabinet can provide stepless control for the inlet temperature. Custom design in heating type available.
Spray drying and granuIating:
Chemicals: organic catalyst, resin,synthesized soap powder,oil,dyestuff,intermedium of dyestuff white carbon black, graphite and etc
Food: amino acid and anaIogue, seasoning, protein, starch, dairy products, coffee extraction, fish meal and etc.
Prepared Chinese medicine, agricultural chemicals, antibiotic, drug and etc.
Magnesia, porcelain clay, metal oxide, dolomite and etc.
Spray granulating: alumina, ceramic powder, drug, hard steel, chemical fertiIizer, granular washing powder, prepared Chinese medicine and etc.
Spray cooling and granulating: fatty acid, paraffin, gIyceric acid tallow and beef beef tallow etc.
Spray crystaIIizing: spray concentrating and spray reacting of materials.
Fast dry; 95-98% moisture can be evaporated instantaneously; only tens of seconds needed for dry; especiaIly for heat sensitive materials. Finished products have uniform granularity, good fluidity, exceptionaI dissolvability and high purity. Strong applicability for materiaIs; drying by hot air and granulating by cold air available. Easy and stable operation and convenient control.